Monday 2 January 2017

New year, New favourites

Hello Everyone!
Happy new year! I cannot believe we are in 2017! How is this even possible?! I don't know where the last year has gone. I feel like I blinked & it was over but I am definitely thankful for last year.
Last year I got to work with so many lovely companies alongside my blog & Instagram. I never thought from day one that I would be able to find companies to work with & actually be blogging for them. My blog as you may not know started as just a way for me to channel my thoughts & emotions into through my journey with mental illness. Which over time it become more of a way for me to talk about my love of fashion, make up, beauty & also still life in general. But overtime I then was lucky enough to find so many lovely companies to work with & I really cannot thank them enough for there kind words & support. Not only from them but also the other lovely bloggers I have come across & continue to show support not only for my blog & Instagram but also my everyday life & wellbeing. So from the bottom of my heart thank you so much! 

I really cannot wait to see what 2017 has in store not only for me but also my blog! 

I am so excited to get back into blogging & work alongside more amazing companies. 
So definitely keep your eyes peeled on what I have in store for this next year...

Now that Christmas is over with & New Years is out the way I am back to the most important thing : Skincare. After all you only get one skin so you have to look after it. That's what I believe. 

One of my favourite high street brands is Nivea. They are not only a good quality brand but they are also affordable. So it's perfect if you don't want to pay for a higher end brand but you want something that is going to actually benefit your skin. Some brands I find you can get you try them & they make no difference to your skin. 

I have a big love for micellar water from L'Oréal. I absolutely love the stuff! I do swear by it.

I always use it just after I have taken my make up off, just to remove any remaining oils or dirt from my face. But Nivea do 3 in 1 cleansing micellar wipes. Which are perfect for taking make up off with even stubborn waterproof make up. Which can be harder to remove. The wipes help cleanse & moisture your skin while removing any make up. I always use wipes to remove my make up with. I find them the best thing to use on my skin to remove make up with. 

As part of my skin care I love to have a good facial wash. After I've removed my make up, used micellar water it's good to use a product which helps make your skin feel refreshed & also cleanse it. A new facial wash I have come across & recently started using is Nivea's daily essentials creme care cleansing cream wash. As it does say in the description the wash is a cream based texture which is nice & smooth & also thick. I love a facial wash to be of a thicker consistency because I always feel like it works on the skin better & it definitely then feels like it is cleansing & adding moisture into the skin. Not only that but it does also protect the skins natural moisture balance & stops is from drying out. It not only makes your skin feel nice & soft after but it also actually makes it feel like your skin is clean. Some products I find you wash your face with them & even after your skin still doesn't feel clean & cleansed. I hate that feeling because it feels like you've just done a skin care routine for no reason. 

Another product I think is so important to use this time of year is hand cream. This time of year the cold just dries your skin out & at points your knuckles crack & really dry out. Well I find mine do especially when the weather is really cold. One thing I cannot stand is dry hands. They feel so rough & horrible I hate it. So I try to look after them as best as possible by applying hand cream pretty often. I think I have a good hand cream with me wherever I am. I have a tube on my desk at work to apply through out the day & I carry one in my hand bag usually. A hand cream I love are ones which not only care for your hands but also your cuticles. One I have purchased lately & find good is Nivea smooth care hand cream. Which is 24 hour care for both hands & cuticles. Which is made with shea butter. You can also pick up anti age care hand cream. Which for older skin is more beneficial. The thing I love about the Nivea hand creams is they don't leave your hands greasy after, they aren't over powering fragrances & also they are pretty fast drying. 

One of my favourite things to buy for work is a high street brand fragrance whether it's a perfume or a body mist. I save my more expensive perfumes for weekends & special occasions or I would get through bottles & bottles of the expensive stuff. Most of you may still remember the fragrances So...? 
They have recently brought out a new range of body mists which are exclusive to Superdrug. 
I got three of them to try out: 
White petals which a floral sweet kind of scent.
Vanilla Milkshake which like the description says is a vanilla scent. 
Watermelon which like the description also says a watermelon sweet scent. 

They are the perfect size to put in your handbag when you are out & about for the day or for work. To keep you smelling nice. They are all such lovely sweet scents but my favourite has to be the white petals. It is such a lovely smelling scent! So definitely have a look for them in Superdrug & check them out! 

Back to normality tomorrow & back to work again but I am looking forward to getting into more of a routine I have to say! 

Take care, 

Love Lottie xox

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