Monday 1 August 2016

What Makes A Friend...My Light In The Dark


Friendship is one of the most important things in our lives and  Huggle  has asked me to make a list/write about what I think makes a good friend. Huggle is a social app which helps you to discover and connect with people who go to the places you go. It’s a wonderful app for making friends and meeting like-minded people. You can download it here."

To me friendship is something we cannot live without! At times people say I'm okay on my own but truth is none of us actually are okay on our own no matter how much of a strong person you are at times in your life you always need your friends & family. No matter how stubborn you are & I am one stubborn person myself. 

Friendship is a two way thing. If there is only one person working on the friendship then it will never work. In my eyes you both have to put effort in, in order for the friendship to remain & grow. After all what's the point wasting time on someone who isn't prepared to put the effort in for you? 

To me my friends have always played such a huge part in my life & I truly feel blessed to have the friends that I do. I wouldn't say I have a huge network of friends but the ones I do have are the best support structure & best people I could ask for. To me my friends are not just my friends but my girls feel like more sisters to me. That's the way friendship should be. An extended family. 

At times my friends are tested. Especially in the past. I'm not ashamed to admit but some months ago I went through a very dark place. I suffered terribly with severe depression & severe anxiety & yes I admit when I go through those phases I can be a nightmare & often require extra support. I had to have time away from work to get myself back on track & also went through counselling & therapy to get myself back to a suitable place. Through those months not once did my friends turn their backs on me. Through every dark moment, struggle, hardship, tears, argument, screams they all took my hand & helped guide me along the path back to normality. They all, each & everyone brought me back to the light. For that I cannot thank them enough because without them I don't know what I would of done. Any moment of the day or even night they were there to pick me back up & let me know it was going to be okay when I thought it wasn't going to be. They would spend time with me to occupy me, sit with me in silence if I needed to, anything just so I knew I wasn't alone & that's important because in that selfish, dark place you forever feel all alone even when you aren't. 

I owe lot to my friends, because to me they are my rocks & that's an important part of friendship. Having someone to lean on & hold your hand when you need that someone to help get you through. Having such a strong support structure is what helped get me through & that's one of the blessings of friendships. Even through those moments they never once judge you or turn their backs on you when some people do. A true friend is someone you can truly trust.

Spending time with friends & doing the things you love. Having quality time together are those moments you will forever treasure. Because they are the moments 

no matter what happens people cannot take away from you. Never forget that. They are the moments friends make you laugh even when you want to cry. They make you smile & laugh uncontrollable amounts. 

People may all have a different definition of friendship but to me friends are like an extended family. Your support structure, the people who make you laugh but can at times make you cry, they are your rock, your pick me ups, your sisters, your blessings, your comfort zones, your best memories are made with these people, these are your life... 

So never ever take them for granted, 

Be sure to tell them how much you 
appreciate them & once you find those amazing friends never let them go! 

Remember never take those true ones for granted. 

I'd love to hear your thoughts & what you think 

makes a good friend. 

Take care 

Love Lottie xox 

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