Monday 19 June 2017

Miss Gorgeous London Review

Happy Monday Everyone! 

I hope you are all having a fab week?

The weather is amazing at the minute! I cannot believe how lovely it is. But even though it is while I am work the weather is still meant to be good for the weekends which is great because at least then I will get to enjoy it & top up the tan a bit. Mind you it is not like I have a car still at the moment. 
How the hell did I even cope before I learnt to drive?! I really do not know now. I know I just want my car back.

I love finding unique brands when it comes to make up brushes & make up tools. It is nice to have a colourful make up or something which looks good on the eye & lets face it a boring make up brush does not do that.

I come across Miss Gorgeous London who design & create fun, colourful & great beauty products to help women feel beautiful. They sell beauty blenders, make up brushes, make up applicators, sponges. So many different beauty tools to help give you that perfect make up look. 

The designs some of the applicators & sponges come in are not only bright colours but they also have fun designs on them like faces or even funky shapes! I love them! They are so different to your normal standard beauty blender.

So if you want something fun & also useful then definitely check out Miss Gorgeous London!

The item I got to try firstly was the "I am not lipstick".
This is a compact mirror with a lipstick shape eye shadow applicator sponge. It helps to give you such precise application as the sponge helps you to apply or top up your eye shadow look easily. Especially 
while you are on the move like at work or on a night out when you want to reapply your eyeshadow. Not only that but the design is the perfect size to put them in your bag & carry them around with you. They are also hygienic. They can be washed & clean to ensure they are make up & germ free. 

You can also use the applicator to apply like concealer under the eyes, or to cover spots, or smile lines. 

It is such a handy tool to have to carry around with you!
I have been in a toilet reapplying concealer & have people look at what I'm using & seem so surprised especially when I'm using a lipstick shape applicator to apply concealer with it. I have had a few people ask about it & also where it is from too. It is perfect for anyone on the go.

The next thing I want to try is the jelly applicator which you use to apply product like foundation to you face. It makes it easier to apply to your skin & it is also a lot more hygienic as the product simply washes off it doesn't soak into it like sponge like the beauty blender. You can easily wash & wipe it clean & I love that idea because beauty blenders can be a nightmare to get clear.

You can find their products at:

Love Lottie 


  1. Oh my goodness!!! I absolutely must try that I am not lipstick! I never heard of this brand and I'm so glad you discovered it !!! Thank you so much!

  2. Love the bright colour of the lipstick. Wonderful.
