Monday 3 April 2017

Konjac Sponges

Hello Everyone!

Happy Monday! Back to that dreaded day of the week again already but it's okay the day has been & gone now. Now for the rest of the week... Which is pretty hard when you are not feeling on top form & your working full time & then have blogging work to do. But I love what I do. So needs must. Hopefully the doctors will sort things out for me soon...

So as you may have guessed by now I an a big fan on skincare items. I am forever trying out new products! But one thing I have not tried before are facial sponges. Have you?
It has never been something I have incorporated in with my skincare routine. I think that's simply because it is not really a common beauty product I have personally come across in shops. Well not in my area. 

I come across The Konjac Sponge Company who are an original & leading supplier of premium Konjac sponges all around the world! You can even find their products in high end stores such as Selfridges, Harvey Nichols and Fenwick's.

Konjac sponges originate from South Korea & are a popular feature of Korean beauty regimes.They are used as a gentle exfoliation & deep cleanser which leave you with silky smooth skin. They are even 100% natural & rich in minerals. They are also vegan & cruelty free. Which as you can imagine with Vegan & cruelty free products being very popular these days they really are perfect for anyone to try! Even people with the most sensitive skins like babies. There is a sponge to suit everyone! Every skin type!

The sponge is made out of Konjac plant roots, which is a plant used as a healthy food & also for its medical properties in many parts of Asia. Its natural moisture & fibre rich plant is packed with goodness. Which means it has a number of nutrients which include: Vitamins A,E,D,B1,B2 & many others! 

Konjac vegetable fibre is blended with different clays & powders to help cater for every persons skin types & issues:

* 100% Pure Konjac- This is the sponge perfect for ALL skin types

* Charcoal Powder - This is the sponge perfect for oily & spot 
                    prone skin.

*Green French Clay - This is the sponge perfect for anyone with 
an oily t-zone & has combination skin.

*Red French Clay - This is the sponge perfect for dry, damaged &
                   the more mature skin also those with skin 
                   conditions such as Eczema & Rosacea.

*Pink French Clay - This is the sponge for those with tired & 
                    de-vitalised skin.

*Chamomile Powder - This is the sponge which helps smooth angry, 
                    & irritated skin.
*Green Tea Powder - This is the sponge which is antioxidant rich 
                    which helps purify & calm skin.

The sponges can be used as part of your daily skin care regime.
They help to:

*Revitalise the skin whether it be face or body

*Perfect for use even around delicate areas like the eyes which it also helps to brighten & drain puffiness from around the eyes

*Helps to delicately exfoliate the skin leaving it with a natural glow

*Deeply cleanses pores, helping to elimate dirt, excess oil, blackheads & bacteria

*After a few weeks of using the sponge regular the skin starts to have a more "airbrushed" smoother appearance 

*The sponges do NOT strip the skin even if the sponge is used twice a day

*You do not have to use any additional products with the sponge if you do not wish to. You can just simply use the sponge. Or you can use it alongside a cleanser. 

As I have a more of a combination type skin, along with a oily t-zone & clogged pores at times. I went for the Green French Clay. As to me that suits my skin type best. I have been using the sponge for a few days & even after just the first use I felt as though my skin was a lot softer & the few pores I have in areas such as my nose did seem more minimal. That was just after a few days of use so I cannot wait to see what it will make my skin like in a few weeks.

The sponges are SO easy to use. You simply soak them in warm water for a few minutes until it becomes squishy & really soft. Then massage the sponge on your skin in circular movements. Like I said before this can be with or without a cleanser. But because I love the cleansers I use I have been using it alongside my cleanser. Which currently is the Nuskin Cleansing gel. Which I have to say I do really love because its so light on the skin, it lasts ages & a little goes a long way. Especially with this sponge it just lavers up.

Then after use just gently rinse the sponge through throughly. Squeeze out the excess water & leave it out to dry in an airy dry place. Do not leave it in a pool of water as this can cause it to go mouldy or even disintegrate. As long as the sponges are well looked after they can last anywhere between 1-3 months!

I really don't think you can go wrong with this product. 
I have to say I have become a fan of them & I think so many of you will love them too!

If you'd like more information about The Konjac Sponge Company or to purchase then visit:

Take care, 
Love Lottie xox

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