Thursday 27 December 2012

The right one

What if the right person for you is already taken? What if they are with someone else yet you always cross their mind you just don't know it? What if the right person for you is on the other side of the world, or in a different town, county? So they don't live right next to you doesn't mean they aren't right for you? What if the right person for you just doesn't know how they feel about you yet, or know just how you feel?

All these questions are things I keep asking myself. What's to say it can't be right just because it's not the normal way you do things or how things come about. Just because it didn't start the way you wanted it to doesn't mean it's not right for you.

Someone who is completely not your type can walk into your life, make the smallest of impact or do one small gesture & bam your hooked on them. But why? Normally your only hooked on people of your type? What happens when this person walks in & changes all that? What are you supposed to do then? Just forget about it & drop it? That's when your curious even more as to why is it them then. You can't help but be intrigued by someone who's a genuine person who's different some how.

I guess you could say the more someone isn't what you normally go for, is a lovely person, does all the right things then the more your going to be drawn to them regardless of the bad stuff that's happened all the good stuff & that chance of something good to come out of it perhaps out weighs that.

Sometimes you just don't expect people to understand that or get why your still going on or even why you like them. But it's one of those things that you just can't help. People can disapprove or think bad of you but to you it doesn't matter it's your choice to make & your happiness in question.

I guess people think I'm probably abit strange or think I'm a freak for writing everything down like I have & starting this whole blog. I do often wonder what people do truly think about it & also me. I don't write it to get sympathy or for people to gossip & think they can work out what's going on in my head cos they truly haven't a clue half of what goes on in my life. I write everything down because it helps me to explain just how I feel & channel my feelings into something. That's the reason behind it. Not for people to read it & judge me & my mind set. But i guess either way people will always think & say what they want regardless of that.

Love Lottie xox

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