Sunday 13 November 2016

Top Up Your Tan

Hello Everyone!
Happy Sunday! I hope everyone has had a fab weekend! I haven't overly done a lot it's been mostly family related which I love. They tend to help me forget about things going on in my mind & give me a distraction. Which let's face it we can all do with from time to time. I love taking photos so I did a mini shoot with my sister & nephew. I was so happy with how the shots have come out. They are the perfect autumnal shot.

This time of year I cannot help but feel pale & pasty. I will admit I'm the summer I used one of my local sunbed shops to help top up my tan & keep it at a reasonable colour. But in the winter I tend to just give up because I'm covered up most of the time with long sleeves & things so you don't really see my arms & legs unless I go out one evening & wear a dress or something. Which let's face it isn't often at all. I'm getting too old for all that.

When it comes to fake tan I am pretty fussy I have to say. Because some of the cheaper brands I have used before left  my legs & arms all streaky. Either that or I'm left looking orange & smelling like a biscuit because some fake tans smell horrible! & let's face it we do not like that look! You have to be careful in what you pick so when I come across a great brand I tend to stick with it.

I was lucky enough to be sent a bottle of Skinny Tan's new tone oil which has just landed in the U.K!
Skinny tan is an Australian brand but can also be found in the U.K. I will admit it is a brand I've heard of but never actually tried before.



Skinny tan & tone oil is a natural & hydrating streak free tan which is also quick & easy to use so for people who aren't really used to tanning it is very ideal. So the tan is said not to leave orange patches & streaks. Skinny tan also reduces cellulite too. It is made with a natural skin kind tanning agent which also includes organic oils & guarana berries so you can tan, tone & reduce cellulite.

The best way to apply any fake tan is to ensure you shower & exfoliate before applying the tan. This ensures you remove any dead skin cells & get rid of any dull parts to your skin & leaves it then as the perfect base to tan on. You then simply spray on the tan with does come out a brown colour but it does smell lovely. It's more of a fruity smell not like some which smell vile. Which for me is definitely a pro for this tan! I rubbed the tan in to smooth it out all over my skin to make sure I didn't miss a patch. Leave the tan to develop & a lovely tanned look you should get. There is no need to wash the oil off leave it on because you don't have to worry about it drying your skin out.

So after my bath this evening I have given the tan a try out on my legs. I have only applied a little bit as I don't want to waste it if my legs are going to be hidden but I just wanted to try it out & I have to say I'm pretty impressed as like I said I only used a small amount & only had it on for around an hour & already my legs do look like they have more colour & look more tanned. So I will try applying abit more tomorrow & see what colour it gives my legs. But it is definitely easy to spray on & no horrible smell! Which is such a bonus. 

So I am looking forward to seeing the rest of their range & trying it! 

Check out:

Have a lovely Sunday evening! 

Love Lottie xox 

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