Tuesday 15 November 2016

Salon Science Hair Care

Good Evening everyone!
I hope you are all having a fab week so far! I cannot believe we are half way through the week already! This week is going so fast! & I am also lucky enough to be off work next week too as I had holiday to use up.

Today in the post I received a lovely package from Salon Science. Which offer a range of hair care products. From helping with  hair growth, radiance, hydration & other issues. So any issues you have with your hair they do something that helps. I have heard of the brand before but I will be honest I haven't tried any of their products.

When it comes to shampoo's & conditioners I do often have to change what I have because if I use the same brand for too long it stops becoming effective on my hair & just tends to make it feels greasy & unpleasant. Then it just feels like you had need not of bothered washing it. Is that just my hair or is anyone else like that?

For anyone that has followed my blog for a while, well mostly from the start or on some previous posts they would know that I have openly spoken about my battle with depression & anxiety. Which is now under control but obviously like any other human being I do have my off dark days. But not only that now I seem to suffer from a condition called Trichotillomania. For those of you who don't know what this is it is an impulse-control disorder, a psychological condition where the person is unable to stop themselves carrying out a particular action. So they pull out their hair or eyelashes, eyebrows or something. But for me mine is my hair. I cannot tell you why I do it but I do. It has become such a habit that I cannot get out & it also made me feel self conscious about my hair.  Because it places it doesn't seem to grow as well as maybe it does in other places. At times I don't even know I'm doing it, I just sit then & start doing it. It's such a horrible thing to have & try & get out of. I have found it to be more of a common thing that people now open up about. Even Sam Faiers opened up about her issue with the condition which made her pull out her eye lashes. So I know I am not alone when it comes to suffering from this but I just wish there was a way of stopping myself! I think it started when at primary school & I went through a stage of being bullied & I started doing it but at that point it was really bad to the point I'd pull out clumps of hair & be left with bald patches so I'd have to have a different parting to cover it. It was at that point my mum took me to the doctors. It stopped for a while but over the years it has come back but as extreme as it was! 

So because of this I need to give my hair all the nutrients & help it can get to be healthy, strong & help it grow in anyway I can. So the range from Salon science is the Proaccelerant treatment range. This range helps encourage hair growth, helps reduce hair loss, restores your hair to help it be stronger & healthier & helps make your hair thicker & fuller in 3 months. So these things are all the ideal things I need. I have never actually purchased a hair range targeted at hair loss & encouraging hair growth before so I am excited to see the results of this range. 

I have got the shampoo, conditioner & also treatment which comes in two bottles. You apply the treatment to dry or towel dried hair twice a day. You apply the nozzle directly to the scalp & apply the treatment in sections. You have to ensure the scalp is covered,  then massage it into the scalp to help stimulate the circulation. Then you simply leave it in. 

All of Salon Science ranges can be purchased from your local boots or boots online. 

I will be sure to keep you posted on how I get on with the hair care range. It could be a great help to help my hair. But for those of you who suffer from Trichotillomania don't feel ashamed! You aren't the only one to suffer from it & you certainly won't be the last. But just try to keep busy as I find that helps. The less time I have to just sit there or when I'm around people I tend not to do it. But if you do feel like you can't discuss it with others & you want advice or to talk about it just contact me through Instagram: lottiejessica & I am always happy to talk about it if you have any questions or whatever. I used to be ashamed of my issues but over time I think I have just got more open about it because it's more common than you think. 

If you want to find out more about Salon Science check out their website: 


Or if you want to find out more about Trichotillomania visit: 


Take care 

Love Lottie xox 

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