Tuesday 29 November 2016

Just abit fruity

Hello everyone!
I hope you are all having a good week so far. We are nearly in December now. I really don't know how this can even be possible! This year has gone so quick it's flown past!

For anyone that knows me knows that I love water! I am always drinking as much water in a day that I can. Not only because due to my previous medical issue with my kidneys but because I do actually love the taste of it. I am not particularly a fan of squash. It's too sugary for my liking. Don't get me wrong I like ribena but I don't rarely drink the stuff.

People tend not to like the taste of water on its own because they don't like the taste, or it's good for you so they don't like it or many other reasons. But I have found a new way to jazz up plain water to give it a fruity taste & its healthy for you! 

Aquatiser is a company that offers a variety of bottles to help make drinking bottles in a range of designs to help make it more fun & also help mantain people's health by encouraging them to drink water in a different way. Which I think is very clever. 

Aquatiser is a fruit infused water bottle that offers a healthier alternative to sugary drinks. Aquatiser has different detachable compartments which assemble together to create the bottle. This makes it easier to use and clean. 

What makes it better is the bottles are easy to use. 
Simply place chopped up fruit or other healthy options into the bottom compartment. Screw on the middle juicer to extract the flavour and to also prevent  the fruit from floating to the top. Then screw on the top compartment and the bottle is ready to use. Pour in your fresh water and securely screw on the top. You then have naturally flavoured water soon or it can be left for longer in the refrigerator for a stronger fruit infusion.

There are so many options you can have & so many recipes too! Whether it be cold or even hot water in them. 

Listed on the aquatiser website they even include a list of recipes you can try in your bottle. It is such an amazing idea! 

You can get recipes to help with all different kinds of things. Whether it be to help weight loss, help promote healthy skin, for a hangover cure, to help build your immune system or many other benefits. 

My personal favourite which I have tried is for healthy skin. Which is known as "blue water".
It helps improve acne, minimises wrinkles & helps to promote radiant skin. 
In the bottom container put in a handful of berries, in the middle container add 1 slice of orange, then finally in the top container add 2 slices of lemon & 1 slice of orange. 

I have to have my water cold I cannot stand water even at room temperature it just doesn't taste as nice. It is so better cold. So I also have the aquatiser ice ball. Which allows you to have it with ice. You simply add water through the top hole & freeze for at least 4 hours. You can even add fruit inside the ball tobcrwate a fruit frozen pop! Perfect for the summer season! 

It literally is my new favourite bottle & is even helping to maintain my healthy skin & ensuring I still get my water intake. 

So this is perfect if you tend not to like the taste of water but want to drink more & be healthier. 

So definitely check them out! 

Website: http://aquatiser.com/
Instagram: aquatiser 

Take care, 
Love Lottie xox

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