Wednesday 23 July 2014

Long Time Coming


Hello world,

So once again it's been sooo long since i've wrote a post. I truly am terrible at this i should write more.
After all it can help to get everything off your chest right? Right now I don't think I'd know just where to start. Start at the beginning they'd say. Easy enough for you to say right? Oh well life carries on regardless. Besides I can't air all my life goings on can I.

Life has been a rollercoaster the past few months you could say.
At times I haven't known whether I'm coming or going but bit by bit, step by step It's kind of working out. I guess you could say. I'm not too sure really yet. So I'll let you know on that one in a couple of months time. I've been kind of busy at times but busy is good keeps the mind occupied that's for sure.

I've been thinking lately about more ideas that I can sign up for or join in order to raise more money for charity. I get a kick out of helping others that are less well off than me & have suffered more than what I have. Helping others makes me feel better about myself & gives me a sense of doing right. After all if only more people in the world did it then the world would be a better place but there are far too many selfish people in the world for that.

I'm currently listening to Ed Sheeran's current album. He has become my obsession ever more. He is one talented & amazing artist. All his song seem to sum up just how it feels to find things hard, whether it be love, life. If you haven't downloaded it i seriously recommend it.

Today I'm having a bad day, i occassionly have a relapse but i tend not to show it to others & keep it all locked up till I'm on my own. I hate the thought of people seeing me weak & thinking different of me because of it. Because lets face it at times it can change you. I know i should of got over that fear by now but I'm always going to be a selfconscious person. That's just the way I am. 

A hot beach, where the sand feels warm beneath your feet, the sky is blue & there are no clouds to be seen, the sun beating down on nice tanned skin. Listening to the sea rolling onto the beach, bikini on, earphones in & cocktail in one hand. That's the place I'd love to be right now because let's face it reality doesn't beat that in my life. 

Enjoy some pictures of my life recently...

Sweet dreams, 
Lottie xox

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