Monday 21 January 2013

Bad News?

What if a person is bad news for you? What if you get yourself into a situation with someone that perhaps you shouldn't of? You know you shouldn't of got involved but to begin with that wasn't the case. The truth behind it all didn't come out till later on but then it was too late. You were involved not only physically but even worse mentally. You put your heart into it & that's it. Once the heart becomes involved it's hard to get out. You can't just turn around & walk away. Why? Simply because your mind & your heart is in it. They are in your head all of the time, no matter what even when your trying to sleep it's right there keeping you awake at night & stopping you from laying your head down & resting at night. You become restless & tired. But the worst thing is you become frustrated with yourself for letting yourself get so involved with someone you never thought you would.

Situations aren't always easy & things have to be a challenge. You get that but why make it difficult? In one way it seems right because the way it all appears is obvious but at the same time it's not right because not only is it not fair on you but it's not fair on the innocent people involved. But you didn't ask for all that neither did you get what you bargained for. If you had known the truth behind it to begin with then maybe things wouldn't be where they are, or would they?

Sometimes a little self control doesn't go a miss. You learn to control yourself over some people & to distance yourself. But others they are the kinds of people who just draw you in just by a smile, a laugh, one word, anything. They make some kind of sign & draw you in even if you were starting to change your mind about the whole thing. If you was stronger would this happen? Are you that much of a weak person to give in just at like the click of a finger or are you just a human who has feelings for someone that you can't explain?

Sometimes people are just bad news for you. Even if you love them, they aren't good for your life. But how can you know whether or not they are? Just because they came into your life a way that wasn't ideal doesn't mean it is wrong? Does it? So it's not ideal & in some ways it's so wrong but in others it's so right? What are you meant to do then?

You have to go after your own happiness in this life. No one else can do that. So if that means possibly changing someone else happiness & bringing it to you then so be it. You have to look out for number one & if that one thing makes you happy don't give up on it or let a difficult situation stop that or you'll never get anywhere in life.

You can only control so much, in the end the rest is up to fate. After all whatever is meant to be will find it's way <3

Sweet dreams, love Lottie xox

P.S here's some pictures of mine from over the weekend during the lovely snowy times :)

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