Saturday 15 December 2012

Family are priceless <3

Today I've been to visit my great aunt near Bournemouth. I love going down to visit she always makes you feel so welcome & loved. It's a truly lovely place, the surroundings, the different atmosphere from home. The shops are all those cute quirky places. The ones you don't find in towns anymore because all the big shops have taken over & taken away all the local produce shops. I also got my dad to take me to visit some reindeers & I got a lovely hot chocolate at Starbucks. So I got my Starbucks fix :)

Being here & the journey has given me time to reflect. Never have I realised so much how blessed I am to have the family that I do & be surrounded by so many people who care for me, my well being, health, security. I have the perfect family that everyone wishes to have. Never once can I fault what my parents have done for me. They are the constants in my life & the only thing that is are my family. Friends have come & gone, boys have done the same but family they are like my rock. You think of family & you think of those people who remain there, pick you up when your down, wipe away your tears no matter what your age, nurse you when your ill, support you through everything whether or not they agree with what your doing. Family are priceless & no one should ever take that for granted because I believe people truly do.

People in families age, in the end everyone always does. Grandparents age quicker all of a sudden & you notice how much they change & go down hill & it's one if the hardest things to watch. Watching someone fade slowly away from themselves, forget things, become frail. You have to treasure the time you have with family especially older relatives. After all they won't be around forever no matter how much you want them to be. Everyone in this world is on borrowed time & we never know when that times going to run out. Be around them as much as possible & you will never regret the time you spend with them because in return you get back the most remarkable bond & memories. Memories are those amazing things that no one can take away from you & even when that person is no longer there in your heart you still have those memories.

I could be anywhere in the world but no matter how much I moan about being where I am I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than around my family & in the place where I know I have the people who won't ever let me down.

The relationship between me & my family is a remarkable one. People may think thats cliche & it can't always be perfect but I truly believe it is. The closeness between us has simply grown from strength to strength. We got through the battle of my dads cancer & come out the other side stronger than ever. It was rarely spoke about in the house at the time & I had no time to show how weak & terrified I truly was. You just had to remain brave faced & battle through it in order to remain positive for my dad & be strong for my mum while he wasn't around. But out the other side we came & I am so proud of my dad & the strength & courage he showed. The most amazing man in my life will always be my dad followed by my grandad second. No man will ever change that or top the importance of them.

Just remember treasure the time you have with people, don't miss out on the ones who will be your constant. Be there's too.

Now it's time to go back to listening to Taylor swift on my iPod while gazing out at the nights sky cos lets face it I still can't forget the main thing on my mind right now. They haven't been far away from my thoughts.

Love Lottie xox

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