Sunday 6 November 2016

Time to detox

Good Evening everyone!
Happy Sunday! Or is it? I don't think so. I've had such a pants week this week well emotionally you could say. It seems to have taken its toll & I'm simply drained at the moment. But hey let's not go into all that. Hopefully this week coming will be better.

Recently due to personal issues I have found a big love of food. I will admit I never really used to be a massive fan of eating. No I didn't have eating issues I just didn't really like it. But after years of issues I now have a love of it. It can be pretty dangerous. Little miss piggy over here!

I've always wanted to try & detox & see if it helps me feel any better in myself & also in my body so I know it's not new year but I've decided to try & give it ago. I don't want to lose weight or anything I just want to try & feel better, clear my skin which is making me feel even more on a downer at the moment, have some more energy & just geniuley feel abit better within myself.

So I've come across a company where I can have fruit teas which can help with all of that & to me that sounds perfect! I come across Nudeytea on Instagram which are a UK based company. Who offer a variety of products to help aid all of the things I'm looking for & also weight loss if that's what you are looking for.

I am a massive fan of tea! I'm such a tea lover! So I chose to try the fruit teas that nudeytea offer. Which the ones I chose are a limited edition pack. You get a daytime detox which consists of creamy strawberry & pineapple. Then a nighttime detox smooth cocoa & vanilla. They both sound so delicious! All their teas are made with real fruit which I think is important because you don't want anything that's got things in it which you don't know what they are. But all ingredients are listed on the back for you to see. Which is always great to know. Not only that but on their website they also list food ideas for you. 

"The daytime tea made of strawberry & pineapple contains: 

Oolong tea- Famed for its reputed ability to increase fat oxidation in the body.
Hibiscus, Elderberries and Rosehip – Rich in vitamin C.
Milk thistle leaves – Your liver’s best friend.
Nettle – This wonder herb is rich in iron and traditionally drunk to ease bloating and water retention.
Red Clover – Believed to ease skin conditions and cleanse the lymphatic system.
Rose petals – A fragrant, anti-inflammatory treat used in Chinese medicine to beautify the skin.
 Where as the bedtime detox herbal blend is designed to cleanse built-up toxins from the colon whilst promoting a restful night’s sleep. Based on rich, sweet rooibos, a naturally cafffeine-free alternative to tea that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Laced with relaxing lavender, rich cocoa and smooth vanilla and boosted by traditional liver and blood tonics barberry and burdock and senna leaves to flush the system." 
I cannot wait to try these out & see what difference it makes to me. I will definitely keep you posted on the outcome of it! 
But definitely check out their products & their website. We could all do with a detox every now & then from things in life. 
Instagram: nudeytea 
Have a lovely chilled out Sunday evening. 

Take care, 
Lottie xox

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