Thursday 13 October 2016

Always on the go

Hello everyone! 
Happy Thursday! The weekend is almost here again! Yay! This makes me very happy! I feel I need to catch on some sleep & get some more blog ideas done & im mention. Where I work full time during the week I feel like I neglect my blog. I'd love to write more but I sometimes just don't get the chance to. You must know what it's like? 

Where I work full time & I'm always on the go anyone with an iPhone like myself will know what it's like for your battery power on your phone to get low. Don't get me wrong when I'm travelling in the car I plug my phone in to charge so I don't use all my battery up by playing music but sometimes I think it would nice to have something I can carry around with me in my bag to charge my phone up if I need to.  Whether that's in case of an emergency or whether it's because I want to check my social media accounts, anything. I have been looking at mobile phone cases that charge your phone before but I always found them bulky & ugly looking. They don't make your phone look very pretty at all & I can't help but like a nice phone case on my phone. Surely that's just a standard thing right? 

Anyway I came across power banks which you plug your USB charger cable into the bank & then plug it into your phone & it charges your phone battery. So they are portable & small enough to put in your handbag & carry around with you. Perfect! Especially for anyone on the go all the time. 

I was lucky enough for a lovely company called On trendz send me out a power bank for my iPhone. But they do also fit most smartphones. The bank I got sent out is in a lovely geometric print which is blue & white in colour. So it makes the print nice, bold & colourful. They do however come in other prints. Floral & many other designs. The bank can provide your phone with up to two full charges! Which is pretty good for something portable just to keep in your bag on the go. It is not large in size so it perfectly fits in a compartment in your bag making it easy to carry around with you. Also it does come with a torch at the bottom in the bank. Which will come in handy if your can't find your keys in your bag. Which is definitely like me. 

The power bank is rechargeable,  It comes provided with a micro USB charging cable which you connect to the bank & then either to the USB post in your computer or you can also connect the USB cable to a plug from the charger of your phone or kindle. This is what I do, it saves connecting it to the computer if you don't need to. It is so simple & a handy thing to have! 

I now carry mine around in my bag with me so if I need to top my phone battery up anywhere so I can't carry on blogging I can! Such a perfect idea! 

Thank you so much on trendz for sending this out to me! I love it! 

They have a page on Instagram, an amazon page & also a website however that it currently under construction. But the amazon page you can purchase from in the mean time. They don't only sell power banks but also most technology accessories, like phone cases etc. So definitely check them out if like me you like pretty  technology accessories! 

Instagram: ontrendz
Facebook: ontrendzuk
Amazon shop:

Take a look at their cute items! 

Take care, 
Love Lottie xox

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