Sunday 7 February 2016

New Start!

Hello Everyone,
So I have decided to start kind of new blog! I wanted a fresh start & a change in things. This one I want to focus more on the things I love! Like fashion & make-up! After all what woman doesn’t love those things! But they are the things I am passionate about after all! I admit I'm a total fashionista!! I did not want my blog to be all about the negative things in my life because to all the people that know me on a personal level know the battle & issues I have faced more than ever in the recent few months. The dark days outnumbered the good & I was left struggling to cope & carry on. To some people think it's an attention thing & their theory is "suck it up & carry on" but unfortunately when you suffer with anxiety & depression it is not so simple! But let's not go into that. Because yes I do get affected by people's comments towards it & take it personally! But things are on the up & ive had some help so for once I'm focusing on me.
But first things first, here is a bit about me! In a few questions ;

Nicknames: Lottie, Lotts, Gabby, Charlie
Hometown : Ashford, Kent
Favourite animals : Horses & Dogs
Love: Music, Singing, Fashion, Make-Up, Beauty, Reading. Tea
Dislike: Fake People, Liars, Judgemental People.
Number Of Siblings: 3 Siblings
How Tall Are You: 5foot & 4 & 3/4 (That 3/4 makes a difference)
Colour Of Eyes: Brown
Colour Of Hair: Red/Brown

Favourite beauty product: Anastasia Beverley hills dipbrow! 

I love the new look to my blog & the positive vibe it now gives me. 
As you can all see it has been revamped & I had the header of my blog personally made for me! It's just beautiful isn't it? It fits perfectly with me & what I am all about & love! The lady that makes them is talented & her illustrations are incredible! I fell in love with them when I saw them as they are like no other! After all I like to stand out in the crowd :) so go check her out on Instagram @lilydennisondesign 
Her work is most certainly worth a look & she is a pleasure to speak with & so helpful, I cannot thank her enough. So I do recommend her! 
My goal is to hopefully get a blog off the ground & hope people enjoy my blog. I would love to in future be successful at it & work alongside people. So wish me luck :)
So please follow my blog & keep looking for updates!
I will also be doing a giveaway soon too!

Today I have had a relaxed day you could say, after all that's what Sunday's are all about in my eyes :) 
I love anything creative & find it therapeutic. So today involved decorating a mug which I have to say I adore how it turned out! The pictures do not do it justice I must say. I will talk you through how I do them at another point as you can decorate most things like it. I've done glasses before too. Perfect for any girl who loves sparkle! ✨✨
Anyway enjoy your Sunday evening! 
Till next time, Take Care


  1. At some time or other, we all need a new start and yours is looking fab! It's lovely to meet you Lottie!

    Musings & More

  2. Thank you so very much! Exactly change is always good.
