Sunday 27 January 2013

Waiting game

Sometimes you feel like you should just wait something out & see what happens because anything can happen in time. Things can change whether it be for the better or the worst. I know not everything always works in your favour but what if something did? What if for once actually waiting something out resulting in you getting what you wanted?

What if it's one of those situations you don't know whether it's best to wait or whether you should just drop it before you get even more hurt? They tell you to drop it, you'll never win this one someone has a stronger power over them than you, or it's the wrong thing don't get involved & get yourself more involved in something you shouldn't your not like that. But thing is what if you are? Your already involved as you got yourself involved already, perhaps it was by accident by you already are. You can't just forget that & easily move on. Too much has happened okay so it's not all been good stuff but the stuff that was out weighs the bad you've had from the situation. Your not a bad person just for getting involved in something maybe you shouldn't of. These things happen & we can't help that even though some people think we could of if we wanted to.

Sometimes I think sitting around & waiting isn't fair & neither is it right. Someone who knows what they want shouldn't expect someone else to wait around for them, but at the same time when that person doesn't know they are waiting around for them then they aren't none the wiser. If something is worth it & you don't question it, you know straight away what it is you want, what you want to do & you decide that the right thing to do is to wait then it's right. If it feels right then it is. You'll know better than anyone else whether or not it is. No one else can make a decision for you after all they always see things in a different light to you & they certainly don't have to feel the confusion, hurt & questions unlike you.

People can't comment on things they don't know. They might think they know all about your situation but they don't. They don't have to feel the feelings strong like you do, they don't have to face the questions everyday in their head, they don't have to feel the hurt & deal with the after math. Only you have to deal with those things. So don't ever let anyone dictate to you what you should be doing & what you shouldn't. It's your life, your choice to make. No one can tell you what's right & wrong for you because for them it might not be but for you it could be different. Don't let anyone take charge of your situation.

Waiting is painful, forgetting is painful. Either way none of them are an easy way out or a painless path to take. But not knowing what to do is the worst kind of suffering. But they also say anything worth having is worth waiting for?

“It’s best to wait for the one you want than to settle for the one who`s available, best to wait for the one you love than settle for the one who`s around, best to wait for the right one because life`s too short to be wasted on the wrong person.”

Love Lottie xox

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