Wednesday 12 December 2012

Newbie here :)

Okay so i'm new to this whole thing. The whole lets start a blog thing came from one of my bestie's as she said i'm good at writing so i thought why not give it a go. After all writing things is a good way to express & channel your emotions into so lets hope that helps me to feel abit better.

I'm Lottie btw Charlotte is my full name but people call me Lottie mostly or even lot-lot to some :) 
I live in Kent in the U.K. Its not the greatest of places but it's where i call home.
I am one of 4 in my family. I have 2 older sisters & a younger brother. My family are my world. Without them i wouldn't be half the person i am today. They give me all the love, support, kindness, giggles & everything else i need. I also have some of the best friends going. Without my friends & family i truly do not believe my world would go round & i'd be lost. 

I am a BIG fan of music. To me music can describe feelings & emotions through a song & tell the world just how your feeling at that moment in time. I love songs i can relate to & i am a sucker for cute songs i have to say.
I love singing although i do not see myself as the greatest singer.
You can check out my covers on my soundcloud here:
So check it out & let me know what you think.

Anyway i wont gabble on to much for now i don't wish to bore you.

Love Lottie xox 

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