Monday 24 December 2012

Christmas Meaning

So Christmas Eve is finally here, & I'm still not feeling festive at all. I don't know what it is but I just cannot get into it. I don't know whether it's because of the things running through my head or whether it's the missing people who aren't around at Christmas. I guess it's a mixture of both.

Christmas isn't quite the same when you get older. The excitement isn't there as much. Instead of the new toys & gifts you see things in a different light. The joy of new toys is replaced with treasuring time with your family because you don't know how many you'll all get together because time isn't always on our sides & it doesn't last forever, watching Christmas tv & stuffing your face with the best foods. You could say with age your meaning of Christmas changes...

On Christmas Day there isn't anywhere I'd rather be than with my family. To me it's not the expensive gifts or even the food that matters that day it's being around my family. You truly cannot put a price on family & there true meaning to life. As long as I'm around them on Christmas Day I don't care what we do. Without them here I'd be lost & alone. Some people aren't blessed enough to have family around them at Christmas time perhaps maybe because they are in another country fighting for us or for others, because their family are in a different country or even maybe because they have no family left & they are all alone on Christmas Day. Imagine that? Waking up alone, sitting down to eat a dinner on your own, no presents to open, no one but your own company so you just talk to yourself. For some people that's just what their Christmas entails.

So when you awake on Christmas Day just give a thought to the people spending it alone, the people who are on the other side of the world from their family, or the soldiers who are away from their loved ones. Realise how lucky you are to be around your loved ones & enjoying Christmas for what it truly is.

Merry Christmas everyone

Love Lottie xox

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